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In The Lost

I run pass thru the bushes with my bare feet Not knowing my foot are bleeding I scream all my might thru the night Not knowing my throat is hurting And how soundless it might sound

I push all the branches that stop me Not knowing my hand scar And lost its touch

I reach the end of what I'm looking for I see the dazzling fireworks Spread across the skies

But not long enough It disapear from my sigh

It come back to those dark view Those pretty and bizarre colorful spark Don't give me what I'm looking for

I fall on my knee Feel sense of regret I realize I am bleed I lost my voice Lost my touch Lost deep in foreign place

I question Where am I What am I And how am I reach here Is this a dream Or my heart bring me to Nowhere

Then the wind whisper Always remember my dear When you try to chase for your world With your hand It is uncertain And it will always run from you The closer you get The more its repel

But believe me Once you stay still And do what you always do It will always come to you The more you wait in still The more closer it come Don't be afraid that you have nothing now The time will come And the effort will pay

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